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Membership FAQ’s

I'm ready to join EDmarket, how do I apply?

To sign-up for EDmarket membership, join online.

Is membership accepted year-round?

Yes, EDmarket membership is accepted year-round. Whether you join January 1 or June 1,you are required to pay the entire dues amount the first year.

What do I pay for my first year of membership?

EDmarket membership terms are on an anniversary cycle only for your 1st year of membership, so you will renew on the anniversary of your join date.

Are my dues prorated?

Prorated dues renewal amount applies only to EDmarket member companies during their second year of membership who joined outside of our fiscal cycle (January 1 - December 31). The prorated amount will extend a company's membership through end of December 31 (the end of our fiscal cycle).

Is my membership dues renewal due on the annual cycle?

Yes. After your second consecutive year of membership, your EDmarket membership terms will be from January 1 to December 21.

How do I update my profile?

1) Log into your ‘My Resource Portal’
2) Click on the My Profile tab.

How do I change my password?

1) Log into your ‘My Resource Portal’
2) Click on the Change Password.

What should I do if my membership has lapsed and I want to renew?

Former members have until one year of their membership termination date to rejoin or reinstate. Many former members want to keep their years of tenure, so they choose to reinstate by paying back dues. To reinstate your membership you must contact EDmarket staff. Each former member’s situation is different, so we want to offer the most suitable reinstatement option. Contact the EDmarket Membership at 800-395-5550 (US/Canada) or 800-495-0241 (International) option 1 and ask a representative about reinstating your membership. You can also send an email to, with the subject line of ‘Membership Reinstatement.’ If possible,include your former member number.

Can I cancel my corporate/individual membership?

Yes. Notification to cancel your EDmarket membership can be made at any time by contacting the Membership Department by calling (800) 395-5550, option 1 or in writing by submitting request to All membership cancellation notifications will be processed by the Association within a 24-hour period.

Are my EDmarket membership (corporate/individual) dues refundable?

No. EDmarket membership dues are non-refundable. However, Memorial Fund and John L. Spalding Scholarship Funds are deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes to the extent provided by the law.

Are my EDmarket (corporate/individual) membership dues considered a charitable contribution for U.S. federal income purposes?

No. EDmarket membership dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for U.S.federal income tax purposes.

Can I write-off my membership dues as an expense item?

Yes. EDmarket membership dues may be deductible as a business expense.

Membership - Individual

My company/institution has more than one EDmarket individual member, and we wish to upgrade/solidate to a corporate membership. What should we do?

Please contact our Membership Department at (301) 495-0240, option1 or for further instruction on how.

I am an individual member of EDmarket, but my employer information has changed. Does the membership reside with my former employer, or does it follow me to my next employer?

Individual membership moves with the employment of the person. Please send an email request to of the changes needed for staff update your account accordingly.

Membership - Corporate

My company has multiple office locations. Can those locations take advantage of the corporate membership too?

Yes. Please contact for further instructions on how.

Who are account admins?

Account administrators individuals designation who are responsible for managing their member and nonmember corporate account. Their duties will include keeping your membership directory listing profile and organization employee roster up-to-date, receiving renewal notices, and other important information.

What are the other corporate contact designations?

Other corporate contact desigantions for member/nonmember accounts consiste of:

  • Primary Contact – individual(s) from your company who will serve as the point person who manages your corporate account and receives all EDmarket correspondences.
  • Secondary Contact – individual(s) who serves as the backup to the primary contact.
  • Marketing Contact – individual(s) who handles all marketing opportunities (including advertising and sponsorship opportunities) leads.
  • Billing Contact - individual/department who receives all billing-related invoices, monthly statements, and A/P inquiries.
  • Communications/Public Relations Contact – individual who strategically is responsible for handling all communication announcements for your company to the public.
  • Social Media Contact – an individual who handles all social media-related content for your company.
  • Human Resource Contact – individual/department who receives all human resources information (i.e., recruiting, screening, and training job applicants/employees).
What if my gross annual sales for my corporate membership changes during our membership term?

Please contact our Membership Department at (301) 495-0240 or for an adjusted dues renewal invoice.

We are a corporate member of EDmarket, and the account administrator change for our company has changed or is no longer with the company. How can we get that designation updated on our account?

Please send an email request to of the designation changes needed for staff to make the changes.

We are a corporate member of EDmarket, and an employee on our company roaster recently left. How can we update our company roster?

Copy needed

Specialty Memberships

Does EDmarket have specialty memberships?

Yes. The association offers two types of these unique memberships:

  • Honorary Members: Individuals no longer active in the industry, who during their connection with the Association, performed some noteworthy act or distinguished service to the Association, and who are elected by unanimous vote of the Executive Committee. Honorary Members shall have all the rights and privileges of active members except they may not vote or hold office. They shall have full free attendance privileges at all conventions and meetings, and shall pay no dues.

  • Lifetime Members: The Chairmen of the Board, upon completion of their term, will be designated as Lifetime Members, and will receive full free attendance privileges at all conventions and meetings. Further, having served through the Chairs they will be ineligible for future Executive Committee service. They will retain all other rights and privileges of Active members.

Other Questions?

Call: US/Canada: 800-395-5550 or International: 800-495-0241 (option 1 on Monday to Friday from 8 AM EST to 4 PM EST)