
The Modernized National Career Clusters® Framework Guidebook

The National Career Clusters® Framework connects education and work, helping learners explore, choose, and prepare for dynamic careers. It includes six Cluster Groupings that guide learners toward 14 Career Clusters, defined by industry standards, and 72 Sub-Clusters focusing on related skills within fields. Three Cross-Cutting Clusters integrate sector-specific and contextual functions, impacting coursework across clusters. Additionally, 12 Career Ready Practices outline essential professional skills for career success, based on extensive industry and educational research.

Upcoming Chairman's Roundtable Session: Trends in Career & Technical Education and Their Impact on Supporting Facilities
Keynote Speaker: Nithya Govindasamy, Senior Director of Policy at Advance CTE
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Advance CTE is the national association of State CTE Directors and related professionals, equipping those leaders with knowledge and inspiration to move education forward. Across the country, our members are creating a way for each learner by expanding access to and success in an inclusive career preparation ecosystem.

What is CTE? Career Technical Education (CTE) is an umbrella term for an array of educational programs that offer learning and experiences beyond the traditional high school and college model. Approximately 12.5 million high school and college students are enrolled in CTE programs across the nation. CTE prepares these learners for the world of work by introducing them to workplace competencies and providing hands-on learning. The high school graduation rate for CTE concentrators is about 90 percent-15 percentage points higher than the national average of all academic programs.

Publish Date

October 21, 2024

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